Connected Communities
Resource Library

The Connected Communities Resource Library is a dynamic platform of resources, tools and materials to support you to build strong and inclusive communities

Latest Resources

How and Why of a Knowledge Exchange Event – Work at Multiple Scales
Work at Multiple Scales
Slidedeck with the purpose of highlighting why a Knowledge Exchange is beneficial for community members/leaders and organizations. Allows a more open look to others’ experiences, perspectives, and realities on specific subjects.
Ecocycle – ED learning journey
Create Connected Communities from the Inside Out
A Tool for leaders to explore where they are in their own leadership journey.
Designing Purposeful Research Processes
Let Values Lead
Table that shows examples and resources to start a research project for communities, especially marginalized communities based off race, income, and/or geography.
Connected Community Approach and Collective Impact
Social Innovation
A Learning Report comparing the Connected Community Approach (CCA) and Collective Impact. They differ in overall purpose and approach. Collective Impact seeks to move the needle on one population level issue; CCA seeks to strengthen the social fabric of a local community.
10 Keys Purpose Statements
Understanding the Connected Community Approach
Infographic of the 10 Keys Purpose Statements with descriptions.
8 Reasons to Start with Why
Learn Together
Slidedeck on the benefits of collaborative efforts and how starting with “why” can help benefit the community.
Tower Neighbourhood Renwal
Case Studies
A Report that explains the renewal for the East Scarborough Storefront support material and new building.
The Whole is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts
Case Studies
A Report that defines Philanthropy and the emergent strategy.
East Scarborough Storefront Case Study on Emergence in Complex Social Change
Case Studies
Case Study on East Scarborough Storefront’s evolution from a one-stop shop to a community-driven resource with an emphasis on relationships.
Social Infrastructure in Scarborough N Change
Case Studies
A Report on the change of Scarborough’s social infrastructure and the explanation of Toronto’s Priority Neighbourhood strategy within Kingston-Galloway/Orton Park (KGO).
Community Hubs and Climate Change Report 2018
Case Studies
A Report that explores Enviromentum, a project of Tides Canada, the Toronto Community Benefits Network (TCBN), and the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) launched to explore the role of community hubs in addressing climate change.
An Emerging Model – Reciprocal Learning
Case Studies
A Report that explores the Kingston-Galloway/Orton Park (KGO) and University of Toronto (UTSC) partnership Steering Committee has identified through it’s program evaluation.
Social Innovation With and In Community
Understanding the Connected Community Approach
A Report that explains the social innovation within the Connected Community Approach (CCA) and how it is the framework for change. It highlights how CCA enables a way of integrating on-the-ground truth and knowledge with potential for creating and enabling hospitable environments.
Relationships are Everything
Understanding the Connected Community Approach
A Report that explains the pandemic responses during the COVID-19 pandemic through grassroots leaders perspectives on what helped or what hindered community action.
Philosophy and Thinking Behind CCA
Understanding the Connected Community Approach
Slidedeck that explains the importance of the philosophical understandings of Connected Community Approach (CCA). Helps us to better understand why and how we see CCA and place-based systems change contributing to the creation of a more equitable society.

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