
Deep Listening
Learn Together
Slidedeck on the foundations of deep listening and laying down the foundation for anti-racist workforce. Develops a strategy for a reality-check in the ecosystem.
CC – 10 Keys Action Prompts
Learn Together
Infographic of the 10 Keys Action Prompts with descriptions.
10 Keys Toolkit Learning Together
Learn Together
Toolkit on feedback, and how feedback loops are able to strengthen communities.
What a Community Pollinator Does
Facilitate Collaborative Processes
Slidedeck on an explanation of what a Community Pollinator is, and why they are integral as a community backbone.
Residents Rising – Getting Unstuck
Facilitate Collaborative Processes
A brief reflection paper on how facilitation process helped Residents Rising.
My Facilitation Guide
Facilitate Collaborative Processes
Slidedeck on the facilitative process, and ease of the process of arriving at solutions.
Heavy Medium Light
Facilitate Collaborative Processes
Slidedeck on involvement of network members.
Check-In Questions
Facilitate Collaborative Processes
A Worksheet on the purpose of check-in questions and the invitation they provide for empathic listening. Has examples of check-in questions,
10 Keys Toolkit Facilitating Collaborative Processes
Facilitate Collaborative Processes
A Toolkit on facilitating collaboration for effective community building.
Designing Emergent Strategies
Embrace the Messiness
Slidedeck describing the 3 steps to designing emergent strategies.
10 Keys Toolkit Embracing the Messiness
Embrace the Messiness
A Toolkit explaining the ideas, priorities, aspirations, and enthusiasm in a community. Lists actions on guiding Community ecosystems and lists indicators of success.
Social Emotional Intelligence
Create Connected Communities from the Inside Out
List on the components of social and emotional intelligence.
Quick Reference – Organizational Culture
Create Connected Communities from the Inside Out
List on small actions that make up a positive organizational culture for designing Connected Communities.
Organizational Review 10 Keys Analysis Template
Create Connected Communities from the Inside Out
A Toolkit with organizational review questions on the Connected Communities Approach (CCA) 10 Keys.
Letting Go Exercise
Create Connected Communities from the Inside Out
Worksheet on how to let go of previous grievances, betrayal, and/or lingering resentment. Based on Nelson Madela's teachings.