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Local Champions Network Journey_20240129
Grassroots Leaders
A report that highlights how collaborative approach initiated by municipality, can support and nurture the work of grassroot leaders from different neighbourhoods. Lists Local Champions Defining Success, Key Benefits for Being part of the Network, Projects & Outcomes, and Evolutions.
Network Weaving
Facilitate Collaborative Processes
Video that identifies what Network Weaving is, why being a Network Weaver is important to a community, and how to help facilitate with those who are involved and manage expectations:
Storefront Snapshot Report
Make Community Building Visual
Report for the East Scarborough Storefront from 2022 - 2023
Community Hubs as Resilience Clip
Understanding the Connected Community Approach
A Video that explains community development approach to resilience planning, and about why it's connected and community wide and not independent:
Making Community Visible with Randall Boutilier
Make Community Building Visual
A Video that explains the importance of making a Community Visible. Explains how making information more visible allows more people onboard with various actions on a community level:
8 Reasons to Start with Why
Let Values Lead
A Video on why groups should spend time on the reason why they are gathered, why they are doing the things that they do:
CCW Overview
Work at Multiple Scales
Connected Communities Work (CCW) is a key strategy, offering a practice of strategic and tactical implementation that will help communities, organizations, investors and employers to effectively contribute to a more resilient and equitable future.
Bouncing Forward
An article about how community organizations, institutions, city staff, and grassroots groups came together to support this traumatized community. How groups responded in the immediate shock of the event, and how they continued to meet over time to design and implement a whole community approach.
Empathy Map
Facilitate Collaborative Processes
Infographic of what drives empathy for communities and/or individuals.
When to Use Emergent Strategies
Embrace the Messiness
Table on what strategic process to use. Has the same structure as the Simple Complicated Complex Table.
Types of Support for Grassroots Leaders
Work at Multiple Scales
Table that showcases the goals of grassroots leaders to feel simultaneously well supported and autonomous in decision making.
Spectrum of Grassroots Leadership
Work at Multiple Scales
Table that highlights the different spectrums of grassroots leaders on an individual, neighbourhood, cross-neighbourhood, and city/country-wide levels.
Simple Complicated Complex Table
Embrace the Messiness
Table with an overview of how outcomes, instructions, practices, abilities, and products; and how they can become simple, complicated, and complex.
Preparing Residents for Knowledge Exchange – Work at Multiple Scales
Work at Multiple Scales
Slidedeck that relates to How and Why of a Knowledge Exchange Event, explains the purpose of including residents to engage with those who have power - creating an equitable space.
Inter-Agency Collaboration
Case Studies
A Report that analyzes the increased collaborative efforts between private and public sectors in the last decade. An in-depth look at the initiative between The Wellesley Institute in collaboration with other Toronto Non-Profit Organizations (NPO).