Catalysts' Circle:
Connects community builders with ideas, knowledge, research, tools and each other
Translates knowledge across sectors
Celebrates and elevates the work of community building as some of the most important work in our society
So that communities can find collective solutions to complex social issues
David Crombie City BuilderĀ

The Courage to LeadĀ

We acknowledge the Anishinabek (Ojibway) Mashkegowick, (Cree) and Hodenashoone (Mohawk confederacy) as the guardians and traditional keepers of the land on which the people of Toronto live work and play.
We recognize the Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation as the current holders of these traditional territories. We at Catalysts' Circle recognize the injustice of colonization and, in all our work, strive for equity and justice for all people.